The X-Splash Q&A - Trime's Wash Bay
The X-Splash Wash Bay is an ideal solution to clean your equipment: from attachments to large diggers. Recycling 100% of the water, the X-Splash is an ecoLOGICAL way of cleaning your equipment.
Here, we have answered your questions about the X-Splash, and if you have anymore: fill in the form below!
1) How often does it need to be cleaned out?
That would depend on how often the X Splash is used and how much hydro-carbons and solid waste is washed off the equipment when cleaned on the wash-down area. The more often the system is used, and the higher the amount of contaminated waste intercepted by the system, the more often the system will need cleaning, our motto is “Little and often” rather that waiting until the system is at capacity and then cleaning it out. If the system is being used infrequently, we would still recommend a clean and service at least once a year. Check out the blog here for more information.
2) What happens to the water in winter?
We recommend that the X Splash system is partially drained using the drain tap underneath the main pressure pump, at the end of each working day, when the weather suggests there may be frost overnight, this will prevent any damage to the pump or filter.
3) What size X-Splash should I get?
That would depend on the largest piece of equipment you would like to clean in the system, the most popular X Splash 2 has a wash area of 3 x 3 metres and a maximum weight capacity of 5 Tons, this is suitable for most small plant & tool hire operations, larger wash areas are available if required.
4) Can I put it inside my premises?
The X Splash system can be used inside buildings as they are completely self-contained and require no discharge facilities.
5) Do I need an interceptor tank?
An interceptor Tank is not required, as in normal operation the only overflow from the system would be recycled water, which would be free from Solids and Hydro-Carbon contamination.
If you have recently purchased an X-Splash, remember on the side is a QR code which will send you directly to the operational manual which can also advise you on the use of the X-Splash.
If you are interested in the X-Splash system, please give us a call on 01480 220500