WRITTEN ON 14 June 2024.

Guide to telemetry integration for lighting towers. Part 2


Part 2 of explore the role of telemetry systems in strengthening the performance, cost efficiency, and sustainability of temporary lighting towers, and how your business could benefit.

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Benefits of Telemetry for Lighting Towers continued...

4) Maintenance and asset tracking- One of the biggest benefits of a telemetry system for temporary lighting towers is the support it gives to smart maintenance and asset tracking. The immediate access to data given by telemetry systems can help identify potential maintenance issues at an early stage, avoiding costly replacements and unscheduled downtime. Continuous monitoring also sets the stage for an individual preventative maintenance schedule tuned to the requirements of each asset, potentially prolonging the life of your assets and preventing unexpected breakdowns.

As high-value assets, a lighting tower telemetry system can also improve asset security. When equipped with a GPS tracking solution, operators can monitor and track their lighting tower fleets in real time, making asset management more efficient and also enhancing security. Any unusual behaviour or movement of a lighting tower will be immediately reported by the telemetry system, minimising the risk of unauthorised use or theft.

5) Customer service and regulatory compliance - A lighting tower telemetry system can help you improve both customer service and regulatory compliance by sustaining the efficient and reliable operation of each asset. In customer service terms, a telemetry system lets you identify and address any customer-facing performance or safety issues quickly, often before your customers become aware of them! Some telemetry systems also provide tracking and mapping tools that help you place your lighting towers in the optimal places around site to address the needs of your project and the requirements of your customers.

From the perspective of regulatory compliance, a telemetry system can save operators time and money by continually monitoring the status of the lights and alerting the operator if there is an issue. This can make it easier to meet industry-specific safety and operating standards, e.g. for brightness levels and coverage area.

6) Cost savings and business benefits - Most lighting tower operators notice immediate cost savings after implementing a telemetry system, arising from reduced operational costs and increased profitability.

As telemetry systems allow you to monitor energy consumption, performance, and maintenance issues in real time, operators are empowered to take timely action to reduce operating costs, e.g. scheduling maintenance to avoid mechanical faults, and to adjust operating times to optimise energy use.

Telemetry systems can also improve efficiency and profitability by reducing the need for manual on-site checks, so that the staff costs of operating a lighting tower are significantly reduced. Additionally, with the ability to remotely control the functions of many lighting towers, micro adjustments can be made instantly and automatically, without having to physically visit the site.


Energy consumption monitoring – X-ECO JPEG
Real-time data on the energy consumption of each lighting tower can help identify ways to improve efficiency and cut energy costs, such as by adjusting the lighting level based on the current needs of the site and avoiding unnecessary energy usage.
Environmental sensors – 
Many modern telemetry systems have environmental sensors that monitor external factors like temperature, atmospheric humidity, and light levels, allowing lighting tower operators to adjust the operation of the tower to suit current weather conditions, enhancing site safety and efficiency.
Light pollution reduction – 
Telemetry systems can help reduce light pollution and waste through the remote adjustment of lighting levels and direction, which is important on sites in which unnecessary light output has to be controlled, such as near residential areas or sensitive wildlife habitats.



Steps to implement Telemetry for your Lighting Towers

here are five steps required to successfully implement a telemetry system for your lighting tower fleet. These are:

1) Needs assessment: The first step is to assess your operational needs, including the data you need to collect from your lighting towers, and how you intend to use it. Useful data points include fuel level, battery level, engine temperature, light level, and there may be others you need to keep track of, depending on your project. Having a clear understanding of these core requirements, and any project-specific or compliance parameters, will help you select the right sensors for your lighting towers and decide the best way for data to be communicated to operators and managers.

2) Sensor selection: Lighting tower telemetry systems are compatible with a wide range of environmental, motion, and vibrational sensors. Your system will need the appropriate type of sensor to meet each of the needs identified in your needs assessment – e.g. fuel level sensors, runtime meters, and so on. If you are unsure, please contact one of our team and we will be happy to support you in making the right decision for your project.

3) Communication infrastructure: With your sensors selected and needs identified, the next step is to set up your communication infrastructure to allow your sensors to transmit data from the lighting towers back to your central monitoring system. As mentioned earlier in the guide, some telemetry systems allow sensors to transmit data over a mobile/cellular network, or an Internet-based Wi-Fi network, while others require a wired connection. Select the option that best suits your needs, budget, and – importantly – your project site and the locally available communication infrastructure. A telemetry system that depends, for example, on reliable 4G, may be inappropriate on a road maintenance site in the Scottish Highlands, whereas it might be perfectly adequate for a music event in London.

4) Central monitoring software: When selecting a central monitoring solution, it’s essential to look for software that integrates with your other operational technologies, including the software and devices used by your team, and provides reliable and fast performance through a user-friendly interface. You’ll also need to consider your database options, the allocation of software on your system, and whether your monitoring software is to be cloud-based or locally installed on individual devices.

5) Installation and integration: It is far easier and more cost-effective to install a telemetry system during initial manufacture of any equipment - this allows the required sensors to be more easily installed and configured, and the telemetry system can be fully tested. We at Trime are able to work with our customers to design and install a bespoke telemetry system and can also offer a standard Trime lighting tower complete with a telemetry system that will cover most customers' general needs.


To find out more about the advantages of our Telemetry and how we can help, please contact us.

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